Friday, September 10, 2010

"As It is Written...Let It Be Linked..."

Jess reviews two films I'll probably never look at, The Hot Tub Machine and Killers. I continue to hold out that Katie Heigl will someday wise up and choose better scripts because I refuse she's suddenly turned into a horrible actress. It's a bit like a broken promise how her career has crashed and burned before it began...
Castor is hosting a month long blog-a-thon as bloggers pitch movie ideas complete with actors and a director. I only posted mine yesterday, but thus far I'm completely smitten with Ruth's epic drama. It's a good read, and it's nice seeing the (hidden) talents of our fellow bloggers.
Jose recently watched one of my two favourite Bette Davis performances, Now, Voyager (the other being Dark Victory). I'm not sure why these too lesser known performances I love for one of Hollywood's resident divas. Speaking of Bette, though, Alex considers her Margo Channing to be one of the cinema's greatest creations. What say you?
I spent a few days last summer reading Chocolat. The film is much more positive, and I like it for that...turns out so does Robert - which pleases me. That's one film that needs a few more fans.
Fitz took a look back at Sean Penn's Into the Wild. That's a film I only vaguely remember now, though I don't feel moved to rewatch it. I probably should, though. On the topic of Penn, though, do you consider him to be an actor/director? The Flick Chick includes him in her top 5 in that category.
PS. I know I owe you folks a long overdue review of The English Patient...but my computer has crashed (ominous score). So don't hold your breath, unless you're suicidal like Almasy.

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