Saturday, January 9, 2010

Seven Is My Favourite Number

So, having taken an unplanned absence from internet imagine my surprise to check my inbox and see Univarn's Kreativ Blogger post linking to my site. I'll give you his words:
I follow a lot of blogs, but few put as much of themselves into each post as Andrew @ Encore Entertainment. While reading his blog you gain a real sense of understanding, the things he looks for in movies, and how a movie connects with him personally. It's quite a treat for those humanistic qualities inside all of us. It's that personal nature that separates him from the countless other bloggers out there, and attracts, despite his self-mocking best efforts, his many followers.
Who me?  Ah shucks. Well Univarn, I am honoured. How am I going to top that writeup? I suppose everyone has their own idiosyncrasies so that you know from reading something of theirs that they wrote it, but Univarn takes that notion to a whole other level. I called him irreverent the other, and he really is. He's like that  unfailing optimists who continues to imbue the most bizarre and often hilarious things into his writing. Whether it's his reviews or his features he's steadfast in his quest to brighten your day.

Now, I've got to tell you seven things about myself that you may find interesting, whatever that means. Sigh. This could get boring.

1. This is actually not the first blog I've started. Sometime towards the end of 2007 I started a blog when the Emmy's announced their nominees. I subsequently forgot not only the name of the blog, but my password so it's gone into oblivion. What does that tell you? I'm not quite sure. I'm either careless or crazy.
2. I love film, that's obvious and to some extent TV, even though the TV in my Encore World has become more and more superfluous. But for the longest while I was a huge music person. Regardless of genre I could spew off the latest billboard hits at the click of a finger. In fact, for about three years [11-13] I used to keep a carefully annotated book with my top 40 songs of each week. For some time I even forced my sister to participate. I know, I was weird. I'm not as up to date with current music though I still have my favourites, I've gone into classical and even theatre music now, although that's more of a Stephen Sondheim infatuation who I'm currently obsessed with.
3. Even more enduring than my quasi-music love is my love reading. My mother's a teacher so that probably had something to do with it, but I've been reading heavily since I was six. The first real novel I read was a condensed version of Great Expectations which scared me as a child - I was weird, I know. I'm still not overly fond of Dickens, my favourite writer is probably Shakespeare, Tennessee Williams or . I'm actually currently doing a Degree in English, so that's no surrpise I suppose.
4. I have a six year old nephew who's mind I've all but destroyed by introducing him to some inappropriate adult films. Get your mind out of the gutter, not adult films in content - just thematically - most glaringly Hamlet, Chicago, The Curious Case of Benjamin Button and his favourite Sweeney Todd despite all the gore. He's also sat through the entire Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Rings which is not adult themed, but it's really long and he saw that when he was five, bless him. I'm trying to wean him off Diego the Explorer and his annoying as hell cousin Dora. Ugh.
5. Despite being the ostensibly good student I actually hate school and all forms of standardised Exams. I mean when I was in High School I got excellent very good grades, I went up for every competition imaginable [except sports, see #6]; I formed a Drama Club, I mean I was the goddamned Head Prefect in my final year but I hated it. I had the worst punctuality. Sometimes I'd reach to school 10:30 for 9:00 sessions. I just hated school. Inasmuch that when I had to do an Impromptu Speech in my Upper Sixth year for the students I spoke for three minutes on why School is pointless and unfair. Down with the power!!!!

6. Even though I'm somewhere between 5'11 and 6'00 and everyone assumes it, I don't play sports. In fact other than tennis I don't care for them. I actually played tennis when I was younger but abruptly stopped, I can't remember why now. I do intermittently follow it on TV, but I get so involved so that every time Federer, or anyone, beats Nadal [I'm a fan of his] I want to pelt the TV set which would be folly. So I just don't watch.
7. I used to be obsessed with Matlock and wanted to be a lawyer for quite some time. Up until I was 14, yet I did Law at GCE and CAPE [a Caribbean Exam]. In fact, up until last year August I was planning on doing Law at the University, all I had to do was go in to solidify my application. But then I realised, even though I'm not bad at Law I don't like it. And since I've wanted to be a writer for ages, doing Law seemed like a waste of time. I already hate school. You're talking to an almost lawyer.
And now, seven worthy blogs.This was hard. I thought that with all the blogs already mentioned, it'd be easy...but then I'm following almost three hundred, yeah. These are only seven of the masses, but they're seven worth your time.
Alex: At 23 Alex shows maturity beyond his years. When he gets down to business and does his super intelligent reviews of the Best Actress races it's both entertainting and informative. Match that with having another blog where he posts short tidbits on Oscar nominated films and you've got a blogger worth following.
Jose: Jose has an undying obession with love for Penelope Cruz. Who can blame him? But his blog's about more than that. With a name like Movies Kick Ass, how could it not be? Never one to be swayed by critical consensus he'll offer up some surprising positive or negative reviews of current film and in a few paragraphs often does what I spend two posts trying to say.
The Vegetable Assassin: If there's someone that doesn't need more followers, it's her. If there's someone who should get more followers, it's her. This is the only non-movie blog in my seven, and with reason. I have no idea what The Vegetable Assassin means, I'll have to ask her one day, but if you want some random humour about everything and nothing, go here. From suicide, to the Bee Gees to fake New Years' resolutions: she does it all. No topic is out of bounds. Which makes her all the more interesting.
RC: I'd probably rename this award Kreativ & Smart blogger award, just for RC. I can't say what it is but no matter what he writes it just feels incredibly intelligent. He'll blog about anythinjg, from movies, to books, to religion and he does it all so easily. Of course he's been doing this for some years, but it's all so well done that I can't help feeling envious. A little.
Lolita: There are many blogs dedicated to classic cinema, I'm following quite a few, but Lolita is one of the best. She makes the classics seem new every day and sometimes she'll even start talking about a current piece. Lolita is fun to read which is always nice and necessary.
Luke: The sheer amount of posts that Luke does is worth noting and when you realise that they're all worth reading it only becomes more laudable. Sure he's waaaaaaaaaay too obsessed with Meryl Streep. But I can forgive that, for on his Journalistic Skepticism he offers up some interesting and entertainting posts. Keep 'em coming.
Adam: I only recently came across his Appleplectic blog, and I sure am glad I did. It's insane that this man doesn't have more readers since his writing is insightful fun and his blog is soooo organised. Really. It is. He says that he's a perfectionist, and it shows a bit. But he's not laborious either. His reviews are good and even his random posts are interesting. He's worthy of your time.
Whew. The end. So to the SEVEN I've noted:
Receiving such a kind honor comes with some criteria as well (7 in fact):
1. Thank the person who nominated you for this award.
2. Copy the logo and place it on your blog.
3. Link to the person who nominated you for this award.
4. Name 7 things about yourself that people might find interesting.
5. Nominate 7 Kreativ Bloggers.
6. Post links to the 7 blogs you nominate.
7. Leave a comment on each of the blogs letting them know they have been nominated.


Go out into the world and spread the magic.

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