Thursday, January 7, 2010

Anticipating 2010: Part 1

We’ve had lists of five, and we’ve had lists of ten. People are looking forward to what’s new in 2010. So, I’ve joined the conversation and am unveiling the films that I’m most looking forward to in this year. There are a couple that could have made the list, seeing that it’s so huge and all. Why not fifty right? But even though The Mad Hatter does have Kick-Ass in his five, I’m not really here or there on that. And you’d think I’d be anticipating Toy Story 3, but at the moment: nothing. I do hope that Hoodwinked 2 does better than its predecessor in terms of audience love, since the original was subtly funny, if flawed. I almost had Green Zone here, I do like Matt Damon and Amy Ryan, but something's telling me no. So, none are on my list. Take a look at the first ten.
This will most likely not be completed, but I’m including it just in case. Charlotte Bronte’s novel is one of the better pieces of its time, and even though it’s had a few incarnations on screen I’ve not seen any, and now’s as good a time to do a film version as ever. I always harboured hopes that Joaquin Phoenix and Kate Winslet would star in an Ang Lee directed version of this, but I suppose that’s down the drain – and they are too old. I remember Westick back from when I cared about Gossip Girl, and he does have potential. This could be good. Maybe.
Michael Douglas and Susan Sarandon are the draws here, obviously. This hasn’t been released here, and as far as I know it hasn’t been released in the US either.I'm not sure if it veers more into comedy or drama but it concerns the protagonist coming to grips with the crap he's done in his life. Not exactly riveting stuff, but still. It's Douglas. Honestly, I'm not too hot on him but the added presence of Susan Sarandon and Mary Louise Parker does help..
I was not a big fan of the last Nanny McPhee fan but it is Emma Thomspon and it at least warrants a place in the top 40. And with Ralph Fiennes and Maggie Smith, it may be lightweight but it's going to be good. I have a feeling it will be better than the first, which doesn't say much...but still. Maggie Gylenhaal also stars who has been coasting along for some time with me. I'm still looking for her to wow me, this probably will not be it. Still, we'll see.

Well, it's Jude f***ing Law. What do you expect? Repo Men is a science fiction film about a man who buys a heart in the near future who is unable to finish making payments. He thus goes on the run before it's taken. Obviously Jude is the draw here, but I'm getting some Gattaca flashbacks which would be cool because I love that movie. Forrest Whitaker is always cool when he plays the sidekick, which he looks like here, so his involvement doesn't hurt.

Robert Duvall, Bill Murray and particularly Sissy Spaceck are the draws here. It's a film based in the 1930s about a man who threw his own funeral. Interesting enough. I'm not sure if it's more drama or comedy, but with this cast and the somewhat dubious premise my interests are peaked. It's been a while since Sissy wowed us in In the Bedroom. Let's see what she has up her sleeves next.         


The film stars James Franco and Natalie Portman, too young up and comers I'm actually quite keen on. It's a fantasy comedy from medieval times centring on a lazy and arrogant prince who must go on a quest toe save his father's kingdom. The plot sounds less than riveting, but I suppose the dialogue will be snazzy. The presence of Zooey Deschanel doesn't hurt any either. Hopefully, it doesn't disappoint. 


A comedy with Diane Keaton and Rachel McAdams. Joy. I don't know, I'm really hoping that this turns out to be good because Diane deserves a good role. I'm not too fond of Rachel McAdams. The film centres on two feuding TV anchors [Harisson Ford and Keaton] and the aspiring producer who tries to salvage the situation [McAdams]. Patrick Wilson and Jeff Goldblum costar. I'm worried. It could be good, it could be bad...but Harisson Ford seems weird at the moment. Maybe, just maybe, it could be good.

A true story. Rachel Weisz stars as a woman who uncovered a scandal in post-war Bosnia involving The United Nations and America. It's generic, I know, and I hated North Country which sounded vaguely similar. But Rachel Weisz has a charm which cannot be manufactured, so hopefully she'll elevate the material  and perhaps the film may even surprise. The presence of Monica Belucci and the legendary Vanessa Redgrave only makes this that more interesting

And another true story. Julia Roberts stars as a woman who decides to get more out of her life. It sounds oddly schmaltzy, but it's Julia. In fact, it's more than just Julia. Throw in Javier Bardem, Viola Davis, James Franco and Billy Crudup, and you've got a party. I expect to be entertained at least, and who knows maybe it could turn into something really poignant. I have complete faith in Ms. Roberts.

This could go horribly wrong. It stars Keira Knightley, Sam Worthingotn and Eva Mendes. I'm not sure which title they're going with. It is the story of a married couple [Knightley, Worthington] who spend a night apart trying to resist temptation. I read the script which seemed good the first time, but the second time felt a little too heavy handed. I'm not sure, I should give it a third read. It has potential, but Mendes and Worthington to a degree are giving me doubts. We'll see...


Stay tuned for 30-21 and my thoughts on Up In the Air!!!

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