Friday, June 4, 2010

June Weddings: Steel Magnolias

I was supposed get this done since earlier in the week, but I'm always being distracted. Movie weddings are always interesting, they're usually quite over the top and when it comes to over the top weddings few come close to Shelby's peptobismol spectacular in Steel Magnolias. We spend a good deal of the first act waiting for the wedding to materialise, and that it does. The thing is, as over the top as it is the wedding works for the movie, only Shelby would have a spectacle as a wedding...
Because it's a small town Southern film, of course the church is packed. Can you spot Shirley MacLaine's head there? She's least interested, and really who can blame her. Isn't the church always the most boring part of weddings?
Sure, Julia was not the best in show but I have no issues with her nomination and she is so personable as Shelby. Olympia Dukakis is so sweet, too. Though I like the film, proof, I wonder how it would have played out if Bette Davis had gotten her wish and played Ouiser opposite Katharine Hepburn as Clairee.
Ick! Call it pink, call it pepto bismol or call it blush and bashful the decor is still godawful. A streak of pink, pink and more pink. I'm not too knowledgeable of fashion, but those have got to be the most hideous bridesmaid dresses.
But that does look cute...
That wink is meant for MacLaine's Ouiser.
McDermott is a little bland, but I'm not the one marrying him. Still, he's giving me a slight David Schwimmer vibe in that picture. Look closer at those bridesmaid dresses, ladies would you be caught dead in that? The ceremony finishes just after, but there's still the reception...
Pink again.
Darryl is probably the weakest of the six for me, but I like this movie and she plays her part well. She's overdoing Annelle's weirdness just a little, but I'm fine with it.
This shot works best in motion, but I still find it funny.
The scene eventually switches to the bridal home as the happy couple prepare to go off on their honey moon. I like the way that Sally Field's M'Lynn looks just a little sad, of course she's the Overprotective mother bear, so she can’t help but be wistful as her eldest departs.
Julia looks so innocent...she's not a Pretty Woman yet....
I fear if you've not seen this, some of my ranting may go over your head. Were you there for Shelby's wedding or does the sestet of women in Steel Magnolias make you wary?

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