Monday, August 23, 2010

Calling All Gleeks

I'll admit, Glee's not my favourite show at the moment, but it's somewhere close and I just find it so irresistible. I hope the inevtiable backlash that ensues when people get tired isn't too harsh. Anyhow, Glee's going to be back on the 21st with the season premiere...meanwhile, I'm doing a Glee meme. I know, I KNOW another meme. But I was emailed this and I just couldn't NOT do it. I'll be starting tomorrow, which means I'll end on the day of the premiere.
I'll admit, Glee's not my favourite show at the moment, but it's somewhere close and I just find it so irresistible. I hope the inevtiable backlash that ensues when people get tired isn't too harsh. Anyhow, Glee's going to be back on the 21st with the season premiere...meanwhile, I'm doing a Glee meme. I know, I KNOW another meme. But I was emailed this and I just couldn't NOT do it. I'll be starting tomorrow, which means I'll end on the day of the premiere.

Day 01 - Favourite Female Character
Day 02 - Favourite Male Character
Day 03- Your Favourite group performance
Day 04- Your Favourite solo
Day 05- Your Favourite duet
Day 06- Your Favourite Rachel/Finn moment
Day 07- Your Favourite Tina/Artie
Day 08 - Your Favourite Quinn/Puck moment
Day 09 - Your Favourite Kurt/Mercedes moment
Day 10 - Your Favourite Santana or Brittany moment
Day 11 - Your Favourite Sue Sylvester moment
Day 12 - A scene/moment that pissed you off
Day 13 - A scene/moment that made you cry
Day 14 - A scene/moment that made you happy
Day 15 - The couple you ship the MOST
Day 16 - Your Favourite episode
Day 17 - Your least Favourite episode
Day 18 - Your least Favourite character
Day 19 - Your least Favourite performance
Day 20 - Your Favourite quote
Day 21 - Your Favourite guest-star
Day 22 - Your least Favourite guest-star
Day 23 - The character you most relate to
Day 24 - The character you would like to hear/see more of
Day 25 - Something that happened you wish hadn’t
Day 26 - Something that hadn’t happened but you wish had
Day 27 - Your idea for a future Glee episode
Day 28 - Your idea for a future Glee character
Day 29 - Your idea for a future Glee performance
Day 30 - Whatever tickles your fancy
Am I the only one unnaturally obsessed with Glee at the moment? Any takers to do the MEME with me?

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