Monday, July 4, 2011

Soak Up the Sun: Somewhere

I envy those parts of the world that experience seasons. It’s hot all year-round here, except when it’s raining, so the concept of seasons is just that – a concept. It’s probably because it’s always so sunny that makes me feel less than joyful about things like “summer sun”. But, it’s summertime and time for some cinematic sun.
And, what better way to soak up the lethargy that the sun instigates than Sofia Coppola’s Somewhere which could probably take credit for the most misunderstood film of 2010? In retrospect I’ve got to give credence to Jose for including Elle Fanning on his year-end Supporting Actress list. She’s perfect opposite Dorff here. The film is so well casted that Sofia can step back and allow them to just exist, or luxuriate rather, in the atmosphere.

If I’m to think of what an ideal summer experience would be like it’d be this.
As far as soaking up the sun goes, Somewhere is an ideal way to start off this series. How’s your summer going?

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