Wednesday, June 29, 2011

12 Things Black LGBT folks need to do NOW!

Okay, it's time for more Black LGBT folks to step up and represent. Now, I'm not saying that it's not happening, but we can do more. So, I have some ideas on what we can do to get on point.
  1. Vote in all elections. Yes, Obama is key; but we need to make sure the right congressperson or Governor is in office.
  2. Come Out!
  3. Mentor someone trying to find their way.
  4. Stand up to religious leaders and hold them accountable for their bigotry and lies.
  5. Be visible.
  6. Not only join LGBT organizations, but get on the board.
  7. Get involved in community organizing.
  8. Write a blog explaining your experiences. There are kids looking for examples, stories, and someone to connect with. 
  9. Become more savvy about current events, not just on Beyonce.
  10. Be proud of who you are.
  11. Learn LGBT history. We should learn where we been, in order to know where to go.
  12. Become more politically aware.

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