Tuesday, August 9, 2011

New Poll: No Love for the GOP and The Tea Party

TPM and CNN are reporting that the American public has had enough of the GOP and Tea Party foolishness. They have reached a new low in a recent CNN poll:
There's been a difference in the minds of many Americans: the Democratic Party is getting a split on approval/disapproval at 47 - 47, but the Republican Party disapproval rating is all the way up to 59%, against a 33% approval. 

The GOP approval rating has been going down in the CNN poll since their 2010 victories: in the October 27-30 version, the Republican Party had a small plurality in approval, at 44 - 43. But since last fall's election they've seen a steady downward trend in the survey, to the current low, which is the highest disapproval rating in the CNN poll in the last twenty years.

The Tea Party itself actually has a lower disapproval rating at 51% than the Republican Party, and only a slightly lower approval rating at 31%. 
This is only the beginning.


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