Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Lady Gaga Cries About Everything

Lady Gaga likes to put it all out there on the table, and by "table" we mean "Twitter." The singer has no problem spilling her deepest emotions for all 11 million followers. In fact, she's told her fans she's in tears 16 different times in the last 6 months! Gaga's sob sessions have stemmed from hearing her latest single on the radio to laughing so hard she cried while working with Justin Timberlake on Saturday Night Live. At this point, we hope she carries Kleenex with her at all times.
Okay, we know what you're thinking: It's super easy to write about crying  on Twitter without actually having to produce the waterworks. But, there's video proof of her teary outbursts! There's a number of videos of her sobbing onstage at concerts, and she even gets choked up backstage in her HBO documentary. The woman's a faucet. Read and watch for yourself:

Behold! Lady Gaga's tearful tweets:

July 16: "The Edge of Glory is on Z100 radio right now!! Crying in the car! Thank you so much NY! I love you, this is a dream come true." 

 July 14: "Just landed with incredible news to share. The Monster Ball is nominated for Five Emmy Awards! I'm crying, so proud!" 

June 24: "I can't stop crying. We did it kids."  

 June 6: "wow, this is so awesome. choked up. my favorite song i think i've ever written. can't wait for you to see vid."  

May 26: "This is my favorite performance we've done. I was in tears by the end thinking of all my amazing fans, I love you" 

May 22: "1 more hour until BORN THIS WAY is released. I'm gonna cry for 60 whole minutes. Let's trend"  

May 22: "Go here to watch my @googlechrome commercial. Makes me choke up, cause i think about us monsters + how far we've come."  

May 17: "Someone took this pic of monsters outside SNL. My lil babies! This makes me cry. I'm sending treats!"  

May 17: "Don't be jealous ladies ;). i laughed so hard today I cried."  

May 16: "you sound like you're on the right track baby. But you can cry AND dance. Fever dries tears.My new song HAIR is on The Itunes Countdow. Your tweets are making me cry so happy! Dance the night away!"

May 9: "Been crying reading all your beautiful messages for my new song. It means so much to ME. Here it is THE EDGE OF GLORY"  

May 7: "I cried last night in Mexico City, and I took centerstage with me. The Monsterball changed our lives, + because of you will live on forever."  

February 21: "Just pulled out of MSG, tears streaming down my face. Turned radio on + Born This Way was roaring. Believe, + catch your subway to destiny."   

February 17: "Can't stop crying watching this. This is why I make music. She is the future."  

February 1: "So many nights I've wept, too many thoughts to say. But now its less than 12 days left, till I was Born This Way. X Mother Monster."  

December 21:
 "This is so sweet, you make me cry. Little Monsters are the greatest xmas gift of all. THANKYOU." 

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