Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Emma Watson Plans to Complete Degree at Brown University

Emma Watson is still planning to complete her studies at Brown University. While she left the Ivy League school in Providence, Rhode Island earlier this year for her work commitments, the Hermione Granger of the "Harry Potter" series insisted that she intends to return to the institution for her senior year. 

During a press conference for "Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows: Part II" in Manhattan recently, the 21-year-old beauty said, "I haven't left Brown. I'm still enrolled at Brown." She did note, however, "I'm doing my third year abroad. I'm going to Oxford in the fall to study English for a year." 

The actress, who lands the role of Sam in "The Perks of Being a Wallflower", added, "I'll go back to the States to do my last year." She further explained, "I took a semester off, but my credits actually count as an advance, so I'm no further behind. I'm still technically going into my third year." 

Back in early June, Emma dismissed rumors she was bullied out of Brown. In an interview with Sunday Times Style Magazine, she opened up, "It made me so sad when all this stuff came out that I left Brown because I was being bullied. It made no sense at all. Brown has been the opposite. I've never even been asked for an autograph on campus." 

"Anyway, even if I was being given a hard time, I wasn't going to wuss out of university because someone said 'Wingardium leviosa' to me in a corridor, or 'Ten points for Gryffindor.' I've been dealing with the media since I was nine," she additionally pointed out. "If I can't stand up to a few people giving me a hard time, it's a bit pathetic, really. I've had so much worse." 

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