Friday, June 24, 2011

Today, On the 'NY Gay Marriage Vote'...

Majority Leader Dean Skelos
Here's an update the mini-series known as NY Gay Marriage.

From the NY Times
Frustrations flared in the Capitol on Friday as Democratic lawmakers and gay rights advocates suggested that the Republicans in the State Senate were deliberately delaying a vote on whether to legalize same-sex marriage in New York.

It was a marked change of tone from proponents of gay marriage, and it seemed to indicate that their collaborative relationship with the Republicans, in whose hands the fate of the measure rests, had begun to fray.

“It’s outrageous,” said State Senator Liz Krueger, a Manhattan Democrat. “We were sent home last night without really any explanation.”

But Thomas W. Libous, the Senate Republican deputy majority leader, said that negotiations were on track and that he expected votes on most issues early Friday afternoon. Asked whether gay marriage could be voted on Friday, Mr. Libous said yes.

“Nobody wants to stay here tomorrow,” he said.
So today, maybe?  We will see.

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