Saturday, June 25, 2011

NOM's Brian Brown Threatens NY GOP for supporting Marriage Equality

After their huge defeat in New York, NOM's president Brian Brown vows vengeance against the GOP senators who supported gay marriage.

See here in their press release:
The National Organization for Marriage’s (NOM<>) president, Brian Brown doubled his previous pledge, promising to commit "at least $2 million" in elections in 2012 to make sure Republicans understand that voting for gay marriage has consequences:

“The Republican party has torn up its contract with the voters who trusted them in order to facilitate Andrew Cuomo’s bid to be president of the U.S. Selling out your principles to get elected is wrong. Selling out your principles to get the other guy elected is just plain dumb.

Gay marriage has consequences for the next generation, for parents, and for religious people, institutions and small business owners. Politicians who campaign one way on marriage, and then vote the other, need to understand: betraying and misleading voters has consequences, too. We are not giving up, we will continue to fight to protect marriage in New York, as we are actively doing in New Hampshire and Iowa.”

NOM’s pledge to commit at least $2 million in the 2012 elections to hold politicians accountable for their vote includes independent expenditures as well as through NOM PAC New York.
These haters are ridic. 2 million dollars? They could actually do some real 'Christian' work with that money like: feeding the homeless, helping schools stay afloat or send kids who can't afford college to school. But no, they want to keep the legacy of hate alive. Bastards!

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