Sunday, June 19, 2011

Netroots Nation Wrap-Up

Mike Rogers and me

In the final day, I attended an interesting session about the Post Gay movement and Queer Media. This session focused on the idea that new generation will not need to identify with certain pieces of the LGBT construct. In fact, it would move beyond the 'stereotypical trappings' of being gay. The new gay community will shape their own images and concepts.

However when it came to people of color issues, it felt that regardless of the new movement; the process to include people of color in the media will still face the same issues (lack of diversity in ads space or stories). Some of us in the audience challenged that notion and challenged the panelists. But it seemed to be an useless effort. Only one of the four panelists seem to know what they were talking about. And he (Zack) was willing to stay afterward to answer any questions we had.

Later, we listened to Van Jones (swoon) speak about the state of things today. I have to say this man is sooo handsome. There's really no words to describe him. And when he speaks... Just see for yourself

Also near the end of the day, we gathered up to make a It Gets Better Video as LGBT bloggers. It was put together by Ian at One Angry Queer. He is so fun and passionate. I was glad to meet him.

Then, Netroots Nation ended. Most of us hung out, partied and talked more about the issues discussed at the conference. It was a true mind blowing experience for a lot of us. For me, it was a game changer. I realized how much more I can do and where my voice truly lies in all of this. And without y'all (readers and friends), I'm nothing. If it wasn't for y'all coming back, commenting and staying by my side I wouldn't have this amazing opportunity. So I thank you for everything.

Also I would like to thank Mike Rogers for making this happen. His hard work and dedication to the LGBT movement is greatly appreciated.

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