Well, that's one way to breakup a romantic rendezvous.
While visiting wife Katy Perry on tour in Japan, Russell Brand was reportedly deported on Saturday. Both Katy and Russell gave a play-by-play of the situation on Twitter….
Last night, Katy tweeted the news: "So...my husband just got deported from Japan. I am so. sad. I brought him all this way to show him my favorite place #tokyodreamscrushed"
Apparently, her hubby was kicked out of the country for incidents stemming from over a decade ago. "It was for priors from over 10 years ago," she tweeted along with the hashtags: #mamanothappy! #don'tmessw/mahman! #uwannaplaylet'sgo #don'ttakeawomansmanfromhershe'llgetshiasty!
But not wanting to denigrate the reason she was in Japan, the "Firework" singer then wrote: "...But of COURSE I ♥ my Japanese fans & the show #MUSTGOON no matter the daily aftershocks or husband kidnappings! #it'snotrightbutit'sokay." Finally, Katy tried to use Twitter to rescue Russell by urging followers to retweet: "#FREE@RUSTYROCKETS!"
Russell wasn't silent himself during the ordeal. He updated his followers on the situation with "prisoner" tweets, along with photos:
"Planning escape from Japanese custody. It's bloody hard to dig a tunnel with a chopstick http://yfrog.com/gybs7id"
"Stockholm syndrome kicking in. Just asked my guard out for (vegetarian) sushi. He giggled."
"Alcatraz! Shawshank Redemption! And now this! Ah, sweet blue bird of freedom! http://yfrog.com/h8g1dynj"
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